Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Grrrr, is all I am going to say!!!!

You know when you are having one of those weeks when nothing seems to be going right?? Yeah, I am having one of those weeks, and it is only Tuesday. Yesturday I had to take my car in to the shop, yet again both of my brake cord went:( and now there is something else wrong with my car that will have to be fix sometime soon, I thought getting a "Newer" car was going to save me money, nope it has not. But I am hoping when all these repairs are done we should be good for a while, here to crossing my fingers, and to top off my day my flat iron went on me grrrrr, $60 and it only lasted me 6 months. I also feel like I have no time, which I do I just need to budget it well. I don't understand why the Lord wanted me to go back to school, especially with a 40 hour work week. I feel like I have no time for friends or school. I have not failed a class, yet since starting college three years ago, and here is to hoping yet again I don't this year. And my friends keep asking me when they will be able to hang out with me, I can never give them an answer. When I think everything is going good with other things, another problem pops up. I know I am to marry David, and that is about it.

I Know the Lord has a plan for all of us, I am just the type of person who like to know, where I am going, what I am doing, and having a time line of the things that need to be done. I know Satan is working his darnedest on me, and wanting to me get down, and it is working. I know I have people around me who love me and care about me GREATLY, but it is still hard. The Lord never gives us more then we can handle, I just have to keep reminding myself that. I know I might be having a hard time, but there are people out there having a harder time then myself. I know I am greatly bless, I have a roof over my head, food in the fridge, a car to drive, a job to pay for bills, I am able to get and education, and I have a loving fiance who loves me very much, and will receive eternal blessing once married in the temple, also a GREAT family, who will do anything to help me. I have more then I need.

This blog was not to have a pity rant, I just needed to write down my feeling, and to tell Everyone, that I am thankful for all the support and courage they give me. It has been long road to come to this point in my life, where I know the church is true, and I know that the Lord is always there for me, and so are a lot of you. I have always been a person who likes to do thing for herself, and never really ever wanted a lot of help, but I am realizing that I can't do a lot of thing on my own, So I am thankful for all your guys help. Like going back to church, I would have never done it on my own, I needed a three year old little girl and a very young little boy, to show me the Christ like love I needed. I know there were a lot of prayers said at that time for my sac and I am happy for them. I am trying to learn to take down wall that I have put up, that were there to keep myself "SAFE" from being hurt by others, but when in reality I was only hurting myself. I am trying to be more open with my feeling, and not let them bubble up inside, so that is why I am writing this blog. So thank you again, and I love you all very much.I am going to end with this quote.

"Faith is believing that although we do not understand all things, He does. Faith is knowing that although our power is limited, His is not. Faith in Jesus Christ consists of complete reliance on Him." - Dennis E. Simmons, "But If Not...," Ensign, May 2004,73

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Last Month

Well this last month has been a very trying time, I started school full time 25 credits which equals about 25 school hours, and I am still working 40 hours a week, and taking 2 institute classes. Then trying to get talk time in with David, oh yeah and I guess about 4-5 hours of sleep a night. The time i look forward to most in the day is the time i get to talk to David, He really is the reason I can make it though the day. To hear about his day, to read our scriptures and have couple pray and to have the reassurance that I love him, and he loves me, and how much the Lord loves US. I can't wait till May when we will be able to see each other everyday and be able to physical kiss/hug each other. But i also CAN NOT wait until December 16, 2008 when we will be sealed for all time and eternity.It is crazy how two people can fall in love with each other so fast and know they are meant to be together. I thought my sister was Crazy when she told us she met the man is was going to marry after only dating him for three weeks, and then flow home from Germany in April then didn't see each other till October for two weeks, then didn't see him again until a couple days before the wedding in April. Then Jake went in to the field a little while after they were married for three months, and they have been together for 8 plus years. My Parents didn't live in the same city for the first couple of months of there marriage as my Dad was going to School in Calgary and my Mom was working in Lethbridge and they have been together for 35 years. Most people find couples like us Crazy. Or how can you deal with all the distance? is another question I get all the time. Well I have prayed and fasted about David, so I know everything will be okay and the Lord know what he is doing, is the answer is usually give the person.

David and I have set a date of December 16, 2008 in the Cardston, Alberta Temple, and have prayed about the date. We know that it will be hard to get married then not be with each other for the first four months of our relationship, with only a few week of being together in there for our spring breaks. We have both decided that I needed to finish school since i only had until April to be finished, to have something fall back on just in case something ever happens and I need to work. (Which will be very weird not to work since i have always work, and well I can't work right away, it is not just because I want to be lazy I will not be working, lol) There are many thing that have happened in the last couple of months, that i know the Lords hand has played a part in the whole time. I feel that David an I's communication has grown so much, our love for each grows more and more each day, since we are part. We are also getting to know each better because we don't have any nothing physical like the kissing and the cuddling, we are talking. I know if we continue to be strong in the church and relay on God everything will work out for us, if it is Gods will, it will be done. I know I am a Daughter of God and he wants what is best for me, and I want to be the best I can be for him. I do not want to jeopardize a temple marriage, and that is all i am saying to that. I know that if you ever need an answer to anything the Lord will have the Holy Ghost confirm it to you, if you let him.

Oh yeah and David come for a visit that was so nice, I missed him so much. HE got a long Great with my parents, they think he is a great guy. My Nieces loved him, my 3 yrd niece was smitten by him it was so cute. I can not wait to be Sealed to David for all time and eternity, and I know Satan is trying his darndest right now to stop it. David and I have put so much effort in to this relationship now, why jeopardize it because of something stupid. The Lord know what is Best, and it might not be what other want for us, but in the end it is up to the Lord and US. We also had our engagement photos done , we are just waiting to get them back:D then we can start on that, yippie one thing closer to us getting seal ed and married.This is us at my favourite resturant oh am I going to miss it when I move to Arizona :(
So cute David made her smile, that doesn't happen very often, so good work David:D This was my niece smiling for David an d my niece showing off for David, it was so cute
This is cute to when we brought out the cake Kynna had to sing happy birthday to David and I.This is the cheese cake that David and I got at our family engagement party, it was yummy
Then I decied to have some fun with it and put it on davids face, lol don't worry I cleaned up my mess :D